Monday, November 29, 2010

Weekend Update

Well, the Hanns had a pretty great weekend. Tyson's sister got married! It was so beautiful, and everyone had a great time. I can't wait to see the photographer's pictures! For once I didn't take any photos all weekend.

Random thought I had today: I want to write a book. Maybe memoirs of my experiences in subbing. I think there's potential. Tyson asked me who would buy it, and I didn't really have an answer. Oh well. I still think I will read some memoirs to see what makes one quality. Any suggestions?

Next Sunday, Tyson is running in the Dallas half marathon. He did a long run today (10 miles + the two 1.55 mile runs he takes Brody on every day), and has requested to bulk up on pasta this week. So we are having tortellini, spaghetti, and then Tyson's holiday work party at an Italian restaurant on Thursday. I don't know if we'll actually eat all that pasta, but that's what is planned for now. With lots of vegetables. :)

Well Brody and Tyson are both sleeping soundly in the living room. I think Brody fell asleep from exhaustion; his ear infection flared up again and he goes nuts when we give him ear drops. It's actually pretty comical.

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