Monday, May 21, 2012


My favorite thing about Mondays is that my classes have "good news." I stole the idea from a friend I subbed for last year. One student leads it and calls on classmates to share their weekend events. Usually good news turns into all kinds of news--maybe we should call it weekend update or something else next year. Almost every week the leader asks me if I have any good news (unless I raise my hand and squirm in my seat like my students tend to do). Today it had to be that I got to see the Faithgirlzzz (college roommates) on Saturday. Although I did not actually say Faithgirlzzz. Sadly. Just a very quick trip to support one of the girls. It makes me sad that sometimes it takes something big like a funeral to reunite people. Not going to lie though, I have a new zeal for life!

Last week we started a more individual version of Game on. I have been totally failing on the working out aspect...I need to get back on that train! I do so much better working out in the morning though, and I have trouble waking up at 5:30 now as it is. In fact, the only aspects I am succeeding on are drinking 100 ounces of water a day and eliminating my bad habit of dishes in the sink before bed.  And the food...I'm doing alright with that. Ish. It was hard being around (read: eating out with) friends and family this weekend! I might have caved once or twice... :o)

Up this week on the menu: our favorite salmon recipe, healthy baked nuggets via skinnytaste, pork tenderloin in the crock pot, game-friendly verde enchiladas, and (T)BLRs (turkey bacon)!

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