Tuesday, November 13, 2012

General shenanigans.

This little bug better be glad I love her. Today I found out that my little Sophie has tapeworms...joy. Kind of confused on how that happened. So more medicine for the sweet girl, which she loves because that means pill pockets (her favorite). I do love her so much, and I think we're definitely BFF now. She hardly ever leaves my side. Even if I'm in bed and I won't let her up with me, she gets under the bed right beneath me. Kind of funny. My favorite Sophie-ism is that any time we put on shoes, she trots over and lays down right on our feet. Like, please--take me with you!!

I mentioned earlier about how I have been lazy in the kitchen lately. To emphasize this point, Tyson called on his way home yesterday to see where I wanted to get dinner (since he just assumed I didn't have anything planned). Little did he know, I had already been to the grocery store (ugh: sidenote...I did not have a good shopping trip, and then a former student today said he saw me and I was "zooming through the store" with a serious face. Ha!) and was marinating shrimp for this delicious recipe: honey lime shrimp. Definitely a favorite. Thank you, Pinterest.

Menu Planning Monday/Tuesday
monday :: honey lime shrimp, brown rice + salad (yum as always. love this recipe!!)
tuesday :: pork tenderloin with raspberry chipotle sauce, quinoa + salad (yum--seared in a skillet + baked)
wednesday :: cheesy chicken and rice bake (out of chicken, used a little ground beef I had and it was pretty tasty)
thursday :: crispy buffalo chicken + salad (didn't make. we went out for mexican food. yuuum.)
friday :: leftovers!

Random favorite quote: "Why do Americans like macaroni and cheese so much?" --Norwegian student

1 comment:

Tyson Hann said...

That is just not true. I was not assuming you didn't have anything planned.