Monday, January 11, 2010


Last week of Christmas break. I'm trying to savor my last 7 days of freedom. Today I savored freedom by observing Brody's reaction when peanut butter is stuck to the roof of his mouth. He retaliated by coming over to me and breathing hot peanut breath on me.

The vacation has been glorious though. I have been catching up on Big Bang theory, drinking lots of passion tea, not making my bed, attending sporting events, wedding planning, trying to enjoy the cold weather (flannel sheets are helping), eating Chinese food, and debating whether Tyson and I should purchase a Windows or Mac desktop computer when we get married.

In other news, my efforts to simplify my life this year have gone pretty well. The day after I last blogged I saw a "Real Simple" cookbook that I now regret not purchasing. Perhaps I will go back soon for it. I'm looking forward to getting back to College Station so I can start cleaning out my apartment and getting rid of excess stuff.

That's really all I know for now. I am pretty excited because I thought the Houston 5K closed the finish line after 45 minutes, but I recently discovered it stays open for an hour and a half. I had been trying to get myself used to running straight through so I'm kind of relieved to have the extra time. I have terrible follow through so hopefully I stick with it and do not quit.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Do you know how long it's been since I've had passion tea? mmm That sounds super good right now. So does a winter break. boo hoo. Miss you and hope you're glad to be back in College Station!