Sunday, July 28, 2013

These are a few of my favorite things...

-text messaging
-cheesy garlic bread
-cuddling with my puppies
-reading a good book
-roasted asparagus*
-fuzzy blankets
-to do lists
-snail mail
-our back porch
-the font bombshell
-anything green
-the smell of rain
-dark chocolate
-The Sound of Music
-fluffy pillows
-remembering dreams
-air conditioning
-redbox codes
-contact lenses

*best asparagus recipe ever:
for one lb. washed, trimmed asparagus, spread on cookie sheet with drizzle of Extra virgin olive oil, teaspoon of diced garlic, juice of half of a lemon, and sprinkling of kosher salt (to taste). Bake at 400*F for 15 minutes or until cooked. Yummy!!

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