Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Ron Weasley Syndrome

 [image via omgharrypotter]

I would like to share a term I have coined called Ron Weasley Syndrome.

What is it? Ron Weasley Syndrome is a treatable condition in which a person is in a considerably grumpy or grouchy state of being due to a lack of food. Sometimes referred to as low blood sugar.

How to treat: Get some food to the person immediately.

Why RWS? All awesome people will remember the epic Harry Potter novel, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, where the beloved Harry, Ron, and Hermoine are on a quest to find Voldemort's horcruxes. Never staying in the same place for long, the three are forced to hunt for food to provide for themselves. Ron became extremely irritable or moody when food was scarce, leading to the term Ron Weasley Syndrome.


Faith said...

You already know I think this term is GENIUS. Actually, I might be experiencing some RWS right now. I'm going to get a snack.

Anonymous said...

LOVE IT. If only all illnesses/moods could be Harry Potter-ized. Feeling extremely unhelpful, whiny, and full of yourself? That's Harry Potter-itis. Lacking the ability to think properly? You've got a Hermoine Granger Deficiency. This could be a medical breakthrough, my friend.

Unknown said...

I didn't realize you'd already coined the syndrome, and today I named it as prevelent with YX chromosomes, congenital, but curable, with manipulations to the cervix in spine, to adjust the head upwards, rather than looking down on people, particularly girls and women. "Always the tone of surprise, Ron."